Definition of Signal-to-noise ratio

1. Noun. The ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity.

Exact synonyms: S/n, Signal-to-noise, Signal/noise, Signal/noise Ratio
Generic synonyms: Ratio

Definition of Signal-to-noise ratio

1. Noun. (science) A figure of merit comparing the strength of a signal carrying information to the noise interfering with it. ¹

2. Noun. (colloquial) A way of describing how much interesting information is included in a message or conversation. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Signal-to-noise ratio

1. Also sometimes used as an abbreviation for serial number, can be somewhat confusing in the case of electronic equipment. (05 Aug 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Signal-to-noise Ratio

sign off
sign offs
sign on
sign on the dotted line
sign out
sign over
sign painter
sign up
signal-to-noise ratio
signal-to-noise ratios
signal/noise ratio
signal box
signal boxes
signal caller
signal crayfish
signal detection
signal detection (psychology)
signal fire
signal flag
signal level
signal light
signal node

Literary usage of Signal-to-noise ratio

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1879)
"The lamp was changed only when a reduction of signal-to-noise ratio in the ... Consequently, the optimization of resolution and signal-to-noise ratio were ..."

2. Getting Started with the SAS 9.1 Adx Interface for Design of Experiments by Institute SAS Institute, SAS Institute (Carolina del Norte), Sas Institute (2004)
"S/N: Nominal the Best: The "Nominal-the-best" signal-to-noise ratio, which increases as the response mean gets closer to a user-specified target and ..."

3. Operative Gynecologic Laparoscopy: Principles and Techniques by Camran Nezhat (2000)
"The signal-to-noise ratio is a measurement that differentiates between video ... The higher the signal-to-noise ratio, the better the detail at the edge and ..."

4. Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety: Proceedings of the First International edited by T. J. Casadevall (1995)
"The volumetric signal-to-noise ratio equation is given by: ... The signal-to-noise ratio was calculated as a function of detection range for the four radar ..."

5. Model Selection by Parhasarathi Lahiri (2001)
"Then the signal-to-noise ratio is defined as E[MSC(5) ... AIC has a weak signal-to-noise ratio (see, eg, McQuarrie and Tsai 1998) and hence it tends to ..."

6. An Assessment Of Potential Health Effects From Exposure To Pave Paws Low by Brer, National Research Council (U.S.) (2005)
"For signals that are coherent in space, the signal-to-noise ratio grows as the square root of the number of events in parallel with respect to random noise. ..."

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